Penguins you might meet in Antarctica

Along with some penguins around the subantarctic too

25 photos to inspire you to visit the Faroe Islands

Like you need 25 photos to convince you to visit this fairytale...

Walking the iconic Rakiura Track: New Zealand’s most underrated Great Walk

Rare birds, white sandy beaches, no people? Count me in!

Portraits of the iconic Shetland pony

Rolling with the ponies, Scotland style

30 photos to inspire you to visit the Scottish Isles

Exploring Scotland by ship completely blew me away!

5 tips for embracing mindful travel

There's nothing more beautiful while traveling than just living in the moment

8 ways Antarctica might unexpectedly change your life

Nothing puts things into perspective quite like the last continent

Kārearea: the mysterious New Zealand falcon

 ‘Ngā Whenua I Haroa E Ngā Kāhu – The Lands Soared Over...

A new polar chapter begins

Follow along as I begin working on expedition ships in Antarctica and...

48 hours in Santiago, Chile

“Laughter is the language of the soul” ― Pablo Neruda