5 lessons from 5 years of blogging

When I flipped open my planner a while back, I noticed a...

5 Blogging Practices that Make Me Want to Scream

It’s been 5 months since my last rant. Wow, how does time...

5 surprising things you learn as a solo female traveler

How easy would life be if we could just agree on everything?...

10 tips for starting a kickass travel blog

It’s been almost five years since I started this blog. I can...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Instagram

It’s no big secret, I am all kinds of obsessed with Instagram,...

The Best Hate Comments of 2014

Ah it’s that time of year again! Time for what has become...

Hold up, are New Zealand and Iceland actually the same place?

The other day I was on a mission of hike near Wanaka...

The Lucky Rant

Sometimes we all need a good, solid rant once in a while,...

How not to have a boring travel blog

There are too many blogs out there to have a boring one

How not to suck at social media

Is it just me, or do people tend to have a love-hate...

5 Reasons Why Having a Food Allergy Shouldn’t Keep You from Traveling

Many times we have no control over things in our lives. If...

So you want to be a travel blogger, do you?

Here are the ins and outs of being a full time professional...