Is it already 2014?
My god how time flies! Sorry there has been a bit of radio silence over on the lil’ ol’ blog. Christmas came early this year in the form of my Mac hard drive DYING on me the day I left for a 2 week trip around the South Island with Haka Tours. Oh happy days!
Trying to look on the brightside, I told myself to calm the hell down and this was an opportunity to disconnect and actually enjoy a trip, instead of worrying about wifi passwords and blogging late in the night.
In the hustle and bustle of exploring the South Island aka THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, I didn’t have much time to dwell back on 2013. And to be perfectly honest, though sometimes I get hung up on small things and events, I am not one who looks back on the past too often, I am always much more focused on the present, and definitely not on the future.
So 2014, what’s in store for me?
No freaking clue!
After returning home from the most epic trip I’ve done so far in New Zealand, I was greeted with a barrage of both 2013 wrap-up posts and plenty of 2014 travel plans. Really? Who plans that far in advance?
Feeling a bit behind and a little left out, I started wondering what I was going to do in 2014, where I was going to go, what I was hoping to accomplish. Why hadn’t I thought of anything sooner?
Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember that 2013 actually happened, and so many of my dreams I had tucked away came true, but at the same time, I am still learning a lot of lessons and many things that I anticipated would be easy or be over, are actually a life-long process.
Every year I outline goals that I hope to accomplish for the following year, and looking back at 2013’s, I realized I had fared better than I intended, like moving to New Zealand and having a year a firsts, I did also fail abominably, especially when it comes to answering emails. Oops.
I suppose most of my goals for 2014 are along the same line as before, working toward self-improvement, self-acceptance and being happy, simple really, right?
If only.
So as much as I wish I could tell you exciting travel news like I’m going to Antarctica to chase penguins (please god, one day) or that I’m going to get scuba certified (to chase Nemos unda da sea), I really haven’t thought that far in advance.
Instead I’ll share with you some long-term goals that I am working on, and then a few randoms that I hope to tick off the list whilst here in New Zealand.
What’s in store for you for 2014? Any ideas?
1. Work on being more creative and find some balance
Not to toot my own horn, but I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly creative person. Growing up painting, writing, playing instruments and generally living with my head in another universe, I more often than not was told by adults, why couldn’t I just follow the rules and do what I was told.
Because that’s boring, that’s why.
However, sometime over the last year when I transitioned over to being a full-time blogger and content creator, I got so caught up with the mountainous pile of work I had to do, that my creative side started to drown.
I want to make time to do the things I really enjoy.
Now that I have a fresh start, I want to find more balance in my life, from have a better set schedule, to making time to do non-bloggy things to having the space to breathe and channel my inner creativity. Talk about a lofty goal!
2. Get out of my comfort zone
Somewhere along the line in the past few months I got comfortable and stopped feeling the need to push boundaries and my own limits. Probably had something to do with almost breaking my back and realizing my own mortality.
I used to be the girl who not only said yes to whatever crazy challenge was presented, but usually was the first to jump too. Lately I’ve noticed that I’ve changed, and I’m much more afraid of taking risks and hurting myself than I used to, or even trying something totally new.
And I don’t like it.
While I’m not saying that I want to go back to being a crazy 19 year old, I do want to find some balance between acting my age and channeling my inner wild child.
I want 2014 to be the year of challenging myself, pushing myself to try things I could have never imagined I could do.
3. Learn more about Maori culture and history in New Zealand
I’m ashamed to admit that I know diddly squat about the history of New Zealand, and about Maori culture in general.
New Zealand has a really rich cultural history, and I want to use this year to learn as much as I can. From being able to tell Maori legends to correctly pronouncing place names to visiting important historical sites in New Zealand, I want to do it all.
Now where to start?
4. Be a better friend
Sometimes I think I get so caught up in my online work and personal goals that I’ve become a shit friend. I tell myself I don’t have the time to chat or catch up with people when in reality I do, I’m just bad at time management.
Secondary goal.
I really want to use 2014 to work on being a better friend to both old friends around the world and new friends in New Zealand.
5. Go bungee jumping
While I’ve done similar jumps around the wold, I’ve never actually done a traditional bungee jump around my ankles. I put it off knowing that I wanted to do it in New Zealand, since that’s where it was founded.
Well, now that I am here, I really really DON’T want to go bungee jumping. Apart from a messed up back, it really really freaks me out, but I know if I don’t do it this year, I’ll regret it.
Now that I am in the bungee jumping capital of the world, where should I pop my bungee cherry? Suggestions welcome.
6. Positivity
I’ve had problems in the past with anxiety and depression, and over the years I’ve worked very hard to try and be a positive person. Spiritual hippy bullshit aside, I’m a big believer that if you force yourself to smile and be positive, even when you don’t feel like it, it can actually help you be happier.
Does that make any sense?
But since I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out and lost the past few months, I’ve noticed I’m not mentally smiling as much as I would like, and I need to change that.
Gotta focus on the positive!
7. Rekindle my outdoorsy side
Growing up I used to always be outside camping, hiking, kayaking, sailing, rock climbing, you name it, I did it.
Somewhere over the past few years, I lost that part of myself and I am determined to get it back. Lucky for me, I picked the most outdoorsy country of them all to live.
New Zealand has more nature than you could ever imagine, and I am so excited to get back to my roots here.
8. Disconnect more
Now that all my work is online, I am more attached to the internet that you could ever imagine.
And it’s annoying.
I really want to travel like I used to, without a smart phone or a laptop, and really immerse myself in these one of a kind travel experiences. I want to go days without checking in online and really dig into the places I’m visiting.
A month ago some friends dragged me camping overnight, and I turned off my phone for the whole trip, and it was glorious. I can’t wait to do it again.
9. Three new countries
Tasmania (Oz). Fiji. Bali.
These are three that top the list for me right now. Now that I am in this part of the world, I really would like to visit some of the Pacific Islands. Whichever, really. I’m not picky.
And Tasmania has been calling to me for a few months now. While I want to check out more of Australia at some point, every time I look at Tasmania, it just blows me away.
Have you been to any of these places? Have any recommendations for me?
10. Write a book, or start writing a book
Hells bells, I’ve been saying this since before I even got to NZ, but I wanted to use this year abroad to start writing a book.
About what? Can’t tell you that just yet, but I think New Zealand is exactly the kind of place to both inspire an incredible story and fuel the creative process.
You have to do a bungee! I had the opportunity to do it in Croatia and chickened out. I’ve been regretting it ever since.
Tasmania is on my bucket list too! We met a couple from Tasmania and they recommend going in February for a huge wine and food festival.
I don’t know why but Tasmania sounds awesome! I really can’t wait to go. And bungee, god, I am terrified but I reckon I’ll do it here since I have to ugh
2013 seemed to be such an epic year of travel for you that it’s good that your goals for 2014 are more related to personal happiness. Balance is always the key!
Either way, hope you make it to Antarctica, Tasmania, Fiji and Bali and achieve everything else along the way. Happy new year!
thank you! Happy new years too 😀
Girl, we’ve got so much in common. I’m not particularly excited about jumping off a bridge, but I’m gonna do it NZ… I have to! Also, Tasmania, Fiji and Bali are ALL on my list… Being so close and just knowing of the awe-filled beauty, I cannot NOT go! And if you end up in Nelson or within 2-3 hours of it, and you’re up for it… We can be scuba cert buddies! My bf is already certified but I plan on taking advantage of the glorious water in the Southern Hemisphere.
Let’s take 2014 and make it awesome!!
wahoo sounds like we’re twins! I will let you know when I get to Nelson!
Love how you summarized your resolutions into basically self-improvement, happiness & wellness. Those seem like smart ways to track progress throughout the year.
yeah that’s what I am hoping for 🙂