Reflections on turning 34

Aren't I supposed to be becoming older and wiser?

Magic happens when you have Milford all to yourself

Get in quick before the word gets out again!

A solo adventure on the Gillespie Pass

A hard but rewarding adventure in the Southern Alps

6 epic backcountry adventures for first-time solo trampers

Who needs friends when you’ve got glaciers, hot pools, and mountain vistas?...

25 photos that will inspire you to visit Fiordland

It's never been a better time to visit the most beautiful corner...

The worst part of being an adult

Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes...

Searching for the elusive white heron in Ōkārito

Honestly, this has to be one of the most beautiful birds I've...

6 experiences you can only have on the Otago Peninsula

Where else can you walk with penguins and sleep in a castle...

Inspiring the next generation of Antarctic explorers

“Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all”― Shackleton

Exploring Antarctica from your sofa – an AR journey to the end of the world

Step inside the stories of some of the great polar explorers -...