How the Heaphy Track become my new favorite Great Walk

Predatory snails, prehistoric-looking rare birds, and a flat track? Count me in!

In defense of the bold and fearless weka: New Zealand’s most unruly bird

It's been a long time coming: it's time to restore this cheeky...

Arctic Iceland – visiting the island of birds on Grímsey

The scariest predator in the Arctic has to be the Arctic tern

Penguins you might meet in Antarctica

Along with some penguins around the subantarctic too

30 photos to inspire you to visit the Scottish Isles

Exploring Scotland by ship completely blew me away!

8 ways Antarctica might unexpectedly change your life

Nothing puts things into perspective quite like the last continent

Kārearea: the mysterious New Zealand falcon

 ‘Ngā Whenua I Haroa E Ngā Kāhu – The Lands Soared Over...

Ulva Island is a wildlife paradise

It gives us a taste of what New Zealand could look like...

Meet the chunky, tipsy kererū: New Zealand’s native wood pigeon

The kererū has been known to drunkenly fall out of trees after...

16 birds you might meet on New Zealand’s South Island

“I wonder what gives us the right to wreck this poor planet...

25 photos to inspire you to visit Rakiura/Stewart Island

Underrated and full of rare birds? Count me in!

Searching for the elusive white heron in Ōkārito

Honestly, this has to be one of the most beautiful birds I've...