The gritty, hard reality of being a kiwi expat during COVID19

What happens when your halfway around the world and can't come home

The grim reality of racism within India

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you...

A white girl’s humble guide to being a better ally

The time to do better is yesterday. Get to work now.
black lives matter

The uprising we could all see coming – BLACK LIVES MATTER

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things...

When love isn’t essential: long-distance relationships during coronavirus

When borders close down, what happens when the person you love is...

When paradise in New Zealand becomes a ghost town

Living in a tourist town without the tourists is a strangely beautiful...

What lockdown in New Zealand really looks like from the inside

5 adults. 3 bedrooms. 1 suburban house in Auckland. Who survives?
moving to New Zealand at 13

6 of the dumbest fights I’ve had with my partner in mandatory lockdown

Are you even in quarantine if you haven't showered in a week?

How New Zealand’s generous healthcare system saved my ass

No matter how prepared you can be, sometimes shit happens

5 powerful lessons pottery has taught me about life

Insight and wisdom from my love affair with mud