12 Things I Miss about Spain
In the beginning of last summer, riled up by all my problems...

Chasing Spanish: Yuso and Suso Monasteries
Living in La Rioja, northern Spain for a year was one of...

The Expat Files: Will in Extremadura
This week for my Expat Files series, I thought we’d take a...

Black Bulls and Red Bandanas: San Fermín 2012
Source Slowly the sun began to peek over the tops of buildings...

The Expat Files: Alisa in Galicia
Perhaps one of the least known regions in Spain is Galicia. Situated in...
My 6 Favorite Views in Spain
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but...

The Expat Files: Cassandra in Madrid
Ever since I discovered Cassandra’s witty blog, Gee, Cassandra, about life as...

Why I Chose La Rioja, or Why La Rioja Chose Me
Over the past year I think I have hinted here and there...

Mysterious Walls of Córdoba
While I was wasting time at work this afternoon, I began to...
Semana del Pincho Logroño
Guess who is living in the 2012 Gastronomic Capital of Spain? (capital...
Southern Lanzarote: Playa Papagayo
On my last day in Lanzarote, I decided to save the best...