For those of you new to Young Adventuress, Photo Friday is a weekly series I run where I feature a photo and a short story from a trip I did before I had this blog! For me it’s a great way to go back and relive and share wonderful travel memories before I entered the crazy world of travel blogging.
Is there anywhere in the world like Rome?
Italy is such a magical country and Rome is its shining star, one that draws me back to it again and again. I never get tired of wandering around the narrow streets, discovering little shops and quaint medieval churches and patios. Rome has no lack of charm.
I have been to Rome several times for quick weekends or stopovers when I was living in Europe, but during my final year of university in the US, I was lucky enough to win a spot on a January term class trip to Rome!
One month living in one of my favorite cities studying the art and architecture of ancient Rome – I was in nerd girl travel heaven!
Spending my days wandering around the temples talking Catullus and Augustus, following in the footsteps of my favorite emperors and learning about columns and triumphal arches made for the best January of my life. Going in January might initially seem like the worst month to go, but it ended up being great! The tourists were kept at a minimum and it felt like we had the city to ourselves. Nothing drive me more insane or can ruin a trip more for me than massive tour groups, but luckily we missed all of that.
Wandering around the local neighborhoods in the early morning, stumbling on the uneven cobbles all the while ohh-ing and ahh-ing over the sheer majesty of the city was one of my favorite activities. I loved how the bleak winter sun bathed the crumbling walls gold, along with the screeching Italian shouted from shuttered window to shuttered window.
I snapped this shot of an army of Vespas lined up in their own little parking spots, waiting for the day to being and to zoom off around the town, carrying their suited up sleek owners to their morning espressos and office jobs.
One day I will learn to drive a Vespa. And not that, one day I will learn to drive a Vespa in Rome wearing a skirt and high heels. Remember that, Italy. I’ll be back.
Have you ever been to Rome? What did you love most about this eminent city? Are you a Vespa dreamer too?
[…] a baby tiger in Thailand 16. Bungee jump in New Zealand 17. Ride a vespa through Italy image via 18. Zorbing in New Zealand 19. Ascend Machu Piccu 20. Get a henna tattoo in India 21. Run with […]
Did you do your studying with the AIFS abroad? I’m looking to do a 3 week study abroad with them in Rome to study comparative world religion. I was hoping to find a list of sights that are a MUST SEE on your blog and I might have missed where you may have posted. My Grandfather is Italian so this will be a great experience of sightseeing/experiences/learning. Is there any advice you could give me about trying to see as much as possible in Rome during those 3 weeks? Thank you so much and I love your blogs!
LOVE IT!! Totally encompasses the essence of Roma! One of my favorite places in the world. Gotta love the vespas 🙂
I totally am a Vespa dreamer! For me, a Vespa is simply the perfect combination of a bike and a car – and so very Italian!
I loved the huge Vespa parking lots in Rome and actually took a very similar picture a few years back 🙂
Cool! I’m glad I’m not the only Vespa lover out there 😀