The Expat Files: Lauren in Madrid
So this week on The Expat Files, is the multitalented Lauren from...

The Expat Files: Liz in Bilbao
Hands down, one of my favorite expat bloggers in Spain is none other than Liz of Liz...

Key tips for auxiliars, part 2: packing for Spain
Source Planning to move abroad? Here are my tips about packing for...

The Expat Files: Cassandra in Madrid
Ever since I discovered Cassandra’s witty blog, Gee, Cassandra, about life as...

Key tips for auxiliars in Spain, part 1: pre-departure
Making new friends on a local hike in La Rioja in September...

12 Things I Miss about America
One thing we expats love to do when we get together is talk...

The Expat Files: Cat in Sevilla
I have been reading Cat’s blog, Sunshine and Siestas for a long...

Why I Chose La Rioja, or Why La Rioja Chose Me
Over the past year I think I have hinted here and there...
Top 10 Tips for Moving to Spain
Thinking about moving to Spain? Check out this sponsored post from Armishaws,...

Reyes Magos in Spain
The last two weeks have been blissfully relaxing, but unfortunately, they are...

Angry Expat: Auxiliares de Conversación
Ok, I hardly ever write angry posts. Because let’s be honest, who...