So I am sorry I have fallen off the blogosphere this past week. I have had a lot of stuff going on. Instead of writing half-assed, unspirited posts, I decided to take a mini break until today to recoup. I have some exciting stuff coming up over the next few weeks to share with you guys, in the meantime, one of my best friends from home is coming over to see me for the month of April. I am so so SO excited!! And guess where we are going for Semana Santa (spring break)…..?
BAM EGYPT! Do you guys have any suggestions for me? Have you ever been to the “gift of the Nile”? What to see? Where to go? (where not to go?) What to eat? Where the best camel rides are? Where can I find King Tut? Help a girlie out 🙂
Liz xx
I was there 2 years ago and 3 years before that, I have family there! It is a beautiful and must-see country from Alexandria, to Cairo, to Aswan, it’s full of historic monuments and the most friendly and hospitable people, you’d love it. If you have time and want to get away from the city, head to Sharm El Sheikh, a resort town along the red sea. It is absolutely gorgeous and I’ve never seen water so clear. Be prepared for some crowds though, it seems to be a hotspot among a lot of European tourists. In Cairo, checkout the old mosques, they are simply beautiful and architecturally brilliant. And don’t worry about breaking the bank, Egypt is a pretty inexpensive place to travel, just beware of those who try to rip you off on account that you’re an American. Having said that, I’m not so sure this is the best time to be visiting given the very heated political climate at the moment. Keep an eye on news coming out of Egypt and closely watch what is happening right now politically because it isn’t so stable now and safety may be an issue. Best of luck!
I went two years ago. I recommend “Wake up Cairo!” Hostel in Cairo. One of the nicer hostels I have stayed in. And the people there are super friendly.
I do also recommend that you cover up when you go there…you don’t HAVE to cover your hair, but wear long sleeves and capri pants, at least. The cat calling can get old very quickly. Wearing sleeves and pants won’t stop it, but it will lessen it.
In terms of day trips, Hatshepsuts Temple was cool. The Valley of the Kings wasn’t really worth it…you aren’t allowed into the tombs, you just kind of look at the desert. I guess it is cool to say that I have been, but still….I thought it was a waste of time.
And for goodness sake, DON’T DRINK THE WATER or eat uncooked fruits/vegetables. I was super careful and I still got sick the last day of the trip, and I. was. miserable.
Whoa, good for you for going to Egypt! I’ve never been but I do look forward to living vicariously through your post-trip stories and photos. Happy planning!