Am I a real photographer yet?
Spoiler alert - we all suffer from imposter syndrome, especially us women

10 Kiwi habits we should all embrace
From barefeet in public to epic holidays, New Zealanders are doing it...

5 times Trover helped me out on my travels
I often like to think of myself as some sort of travel...

Key tips for auxiliars, part 2: packing for Spain
Source Planning to move abroad? Here are my tips about packing for...
Lanzarote: Land of Volcanoes
My second full day in Lanzarote was just as jam-packed as my...
What’s on my workout playlist
Yeah, so this post doesn’t really have anything to do with traveling...
Lago di Como: A Northern Italian Paradise
After two days in Milan, enough was enough and I needed to...
10 Reasons Why I Love Cáceres-Guest Post
Will Peach is one of the site editors over at Gap Daemon,...